miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012


Hello everybody before I've been thinking what about to write, I have decided to speak you about traditions  in all around the world. And why I have choosen this topic? Well, I think that it's curious to know about other traditions and cultures, personally, I like very much to listen about different traditions that people in different countries have.

I'm going to share with you some traditions that have shocked me.

In the Indian state of Maharashtra a dangerous tradition has been practiced for the last 500 years; when a new baby is born, his parents throw the baby from the top of a building to a sheet. We may think that this is a crazy and senseless tradition but indu people believe that the practice of this ritual blesses their children with good health and luck.You can watch this video to understand much better how it's practiced:

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012


Hi readers! In this post I'm going to speak about the social websites, I'm  sure you'll know any of them; like Tuenti, Twitter, Facebook...

Nowadays, nearly all of us use this type of sites, but we are not conscious about the consequences that they could have. When we start using a social web we get so excited because we have got the possibility to speak with all our friends, upload photos and share them with the people to see who likes them, also, we can play many games with them and send private messages to whoever we want.

But as I said, it has some consequences, many of your friends on Tuenti or Facebook for example, could gossip on your profile and see what you do, with who, where... Also, although your photos are protected for people not downloading them, anybody can take a photo of the screen and then your photo will be in hand of someone that maybe you don't want to be. Besides, if you have a private conversation with any of your friends, it's so easy to copy and paste it to anybody, and your conversation won't be so private.