martes, 5 de marzo de 2013


Hello once more! We are finishing the second term and I want to explain you the works that we have been doing along this three months. First, we did a presentation about all the works that we had done in the first term, we made it in a programe called SlideShare, where we learnt how to add audio to a pictures presentation. (You can see the SlideShare presentation that I did with Idoia Eceiza in my previous post)

After that, we started to use Google Sites to create a webpage of our imaginary commerce. We learnt (and we are still learning) how to edit our site changing the colours, backgrounds, etc. On that webpages, we wrote the location of our shop, the products that we sell and many other things. After finishing the webpage, we did a Basque version of it and we connected the two webpages by creating another page which had the link to both.


Hello everybody! In the first term we have done many different works and our tutor Ana has sent us the work to do a slide presentation to summarize all the works of the term. We did the presentation in a programme called SlideShare where the slides are accompanied with an audio of the explanation.

Here you have the link for the SlideShare that I did with my partner Idoia: