miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013


Hello everyone! We have just finished the second work of the 3rd term. At this time, for the work that our tutor has proposed, we had to use Mind42; which is a programme to make diagrams, adding pics, texts, etc.   We did an account on that programme and we had to choose any topic we wanted. 

I choosed the topic of endangered animals, because I think that people often forgets that many species are disappearing all over the world, I think that we have to be conscious that we are not the only creatures in the world and we have to control those factors that make animals die. The majority of those species are endangered because of human pollution, hunting, etc. 

In my diagram I have put the main causes of the death of the animals, and I have chosen some species. I haven't chose the most important or the most endangered species, beacause they are a lot and I just have put    some example. I also have included some pictures of the animals and of what they suffer.

Here I let you my diagram, I hope it will be useful for you:

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